Sunday 10 April 2011

Assignment 5

As we are nearing the end of our high school careers, the pressure to discover who we are and how we want to spend the rest of our lives has begun to tighten its hold over each and every one of us.  For many of us, we have two careers in mind.  Many of us have a career goal selected in order to appease nagging parents, but also a career that they dream of pursuing, a dream that would crush parents' hopes and dreams for their darling children.  Although I am indecisive, there is one thing of which I am certain.  I whole-heartedly believe that I am meant to help others, possibly by educating others on the power of positive thinking.
The problem nowadays is that time-honoured values and morals have taken the backseat to brand names and appearances.  Instead of being concerned with the bettering of ourselves as individuals, society has become obsessed with "beautification" by any means necessary, even if this "beautification" leaves permanent scars of eating disorders or psychological damage.  This obsession with appearances has left our current generation with severe complexes of self-doubt, and as a result are unable to achieve the levels of happiness and pride once possible in the past.  Fortunately, this problem can be resolved simply by the power of positive thinking.
The novel that I would write would not only discuss positive thinking, but also the elimination of obstacles preventing personal happiness. Anything in life that causes stress or pain can be removed by simply refusing to allow the problem to exist.  Nowadays, people are unaware of how happiness can come about, and they are in need of a source of aid.  My novel would be a self-help book that combines the teachings and insights of the Dalai Lama with messages of hope for the future.  My novel would include a source of inspiration for each and every day.  The novel that I would write would help people create the change that they so desire in their own world, and would help to enlighten us all on what is truly important.

"The fact that there is always a positive side to life is the one thing that gives me a lot of happiness.  This world is not perfect.  There are problems.  But things like happiness and unhappiness are relative.  Realizing this gives you hope."
- The Dalai Lama

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