Friday 4 March 2011

"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over.  Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center."

Vonnegut is clearly unable to live a life understood by society, whether it be conservatively career and family-based or even the uncommon but still recognizeable bohemian lifestyle.  In the more recent years of human existence, people have been conditioned to believe that life is improper if it is without clearly defined boundaries.  Vonnegut is an outsider in society because he possesses the rare quality of being undefined.  Vonnegut is neither a working man or a starving artist, he resides in the gray area that scares away so many due to its lack of restrictions.
This theory transfers over to more than just one's career.  In the above mentioned quotation, Vonnegut is referring to the most valuable quality he has, that he shares with many other creative minds: his imagination.  This quotation can be used as evidence that Vonnegut has a fear for labels.  By staying in the varying shades of gray and not within limits, Vonnegut is able to live without labels and without expectations.  Without these expectations, Vonnegut is able to observe truth freely.  Without labels, Vonnegut seems to suggest one is free to satisfy any curiousity.  Without labels, people are able to truly be who they are want to be without anything else telling them how to behave.

1 comment:

  1. "Vonnegut is an outsider in society because he possesses the rare quality of being undefined. Vonnegut is neither a working man or a starving artist, he resides in the gray area that scares away so many due to its lack of restrictions."
    Many of the greatest minds are the ones that are the hardest to categorize... as you aptly stated in this post. Nice writing here!
